Begin the change

Rise through

Aldaba provides free learning experiences, tools, and a network of diverse professionals to help under-resourced individuals grow and flourish in all aspects of their lives.

Aldaba is able to provide the highest quality learning experiences on a growing number of topics.

Join our Community

Join our Community

Our Mission:

Aldaba provides free learning experiences, tools, and a network of diverse professionals to help under-resourced individuals grow and flourish in all aspects of their lives. 

Our Vision:

Aldaba envisions a community where individuals, especially those without equal access to resources, have the knowledge, support, and mentorship they need to empower themselves, improve their lives, and realize their dreams.

The Method:

Aldaba works towards its mission and vision by offering no cost, high-quality learning opportunities through online and in-person experiences and workshops in Spanish and English. We provide individuals from under-resourced groups with self-paced journeys, events, and mentorship opportunities to overcome challenges in their personal and professional lives. Our experienced and knowledgeable collaborators provide tools, strategies, techniques, and real-world examples to help people empower themselves and acquire practical skills to better their lives. Aldaba will work with individuals to both change their cycle of consciousness around self-awareness, well-being, emotional management, and communication and to provide courses around financial management, technology, and other important life skills.

How to

Begin the change

Get Involved

When you support Aldaba, you support the professional and personal growth and development of under-resourced individuals in our community. Because of your support, individuals will empower themselves to both change their cycle of consciousness around self-awareness, well-being, emotional management, and communication and to provide courses around financial management, technology, and other important life skills.


Our Programs

(Content Coming Soon)

Program 1

Life and Social

Develop important social and soft skills for personal and profesional growth. Learn about communication, conflict resolution and adaptive behavior to improve your relationships at home and at work.

Blended learning program, self paced and live via zoom with practical applications.

Program 2

Equality and Equity Education

Learn about diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) topics. It includes courses on detecting discrimination and harassment and promoting equality in the workplace.

Self paced learnina in the platform with discussion forum and Q&As
Program 3

Finance & Accounting Basics

Acquire essential finance and and money management skills for personal and business use. Courses on topics such as Accounting, budgeting and financial management.

Blended learning program, self paced and live via zoom in small group settings with personal mentoring

Aldaba in data


We do what we do

Education has different priorities all over the world. While education is compulsory in some countries, it is reserved for specific groups in other places. Educational attainment refers to the highest level of education that an individual has completed. According to the United Nation Development Program (UNDP), around 90 percent of the world’s population had enrolled in primary education in 2020, whereas only 84 percent had attained a secondary education. The numbers were even lower in tertiary education, with around 36 percent of the global population having attained some kind of tertiary education, most of which were female. Ratio are worst in marginilized groups.

Share of females worldwide with a tertiary

Million girls are out of school, including 32 million of primary school age.


Free Courses and growing


Volunteers around the world

The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you”

B.B King